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Learn to Skate in Reston, VA Today!

At SkateQuest, we proudly offer the Learn to Skate USA® program, ideal for beginners of all ages and skill levels, from school-aged children to teens and adults. Endorsed by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey, and U.S. Speedskating, this program provides customized pathways for everyone, ensuring that each participant can progress confidently at their own pace.

Our program begins with Basic Skills, teaching foundational techniques for figure skating, hockey, speedskating, and recreational skating. Through six progressive levels, skaters learn essential skills like forward and backward skating, stops, edges, crossovers, and turns in a positive, social environment. By mastering each level, skaters build confidence and prepare for specialized paths in recreational skating, competitive figure skating, or ice hockey.

Skating Is for All Ages

Our Learn to Skate program welcomes skaters of all ages and abilities. Snowplow Sam 1-4 is designed for children six and under, focusing on confidence-building and basic skills. Basic Skills 1-6 is for skaters over six, covering essentials like forward and backward skating, stops, and edges. Teens and adults can also enjoy dedicated programming to learn and advance their skills.

Adult Classes

adult 1

Adult Beginner

Prerequisite: None

This class is for beginner teen & adult skaters. Skaters will learn skills from Learn-to-Skate USA Adult 1 and Adult 2 levels. Level 1: falling & recovery, forward marching, forward two-foot glide, forward swizzles, one forward/one backward swizzle, dip, and forward snowplow stop. Level 2: forward skating across the width of the ice, forward one-foot glides (R & L), forward slalom, backward wiggles & swizzles (4-6 in a row), and two-foot turns in place.

adult 2

Adult Intermediate:

Prerequisite: Passed Adult Beginner

In this class teen and adult skaters will learn skills from Learn-to-Skate USA Adult 3 and Adult 4 levels. Adult 3 Skills: forward stroking, forward half-swizzle pumps on circle, moving forward to backward and backward to forward two-foot turn on a circle, backward skating & glide, forward chasses on a circle, and backward snowplow stop. Adult 4 Skills: Forward Outside and Inside Edges on a Circle (R&L), Forward Crossovers (Clockwise & Counterclockwise), Backward one-foot glides (R &L), Backward pumps on a circle (Clockwise & Counterclockwise), Hockey Stop, both directions.

adult 3

Adult Advanced

Prerequisite: Passed Adult Intermediate

In this class teen and adult skaters will learn skills from Learn-to-Skate USA Adult 5 and Adult 6 levels. Adult 5 Skills: backward outside & inside edges on a circle (R&L), backward crossovers, outside three-turn (R & L), forward swing rolls, beginning two-foot spin. Level 6 Skills: advanced stroking with crossovers forwards & backwards, forward inside three-turns (R & L), Beginning power pulls (R & L), T-stop, Lunge, and two-foot to one-foot spins.

adult 4

Adult Free Skate

Prerequisite: Passed Adult Advanced

This class is for aspiring adult figure skaters that have passed Adult Advanced. The class will focus on introductory free skate skills, including beginning jumps and spins.

adult 5

Adult Hockey Skating Skills

Prerequisite: Passed Adult Beginner

Equipment needed: Hockey Skates (rental is included)

This class is for aspiring and current teen and adult hockey players. Skaters will learn to improve the quality of their skating in this class without a puck. Lessons will focus on stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges and other necessary fundamentals to be successful in hockey practices and game situations.

Basic Skills

Basic 1

Basic 1

Prerequisite: None

This class is for beginner skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn how to sit on the ice and stand up, march forward across the ice, forward two-foot glide, dip, forward swizzles, backward wiggles, beginning snowplow stops, and a two-foot hop. Helmets are strongly encouraged for all beginner skaters.

Basic 2

Basic 2

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 1 or Snowplow Sam 4

This class is for skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn forward one-foot glides, backward two-foot glide, rocking horse, scooter pushes, backward swizzles, a two-foot turn from forward to backward in place, and a moving snowplow stop.

Basic 3

Basic 3

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 2

This class is for skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn forward stroking, forward half-swizzle pumps on a circle, moving forward to backward two-foot turns, backward one-foot glides, backward snowplow stop, forward slaloms, and forward pivot.

Basic 4

Basic 4

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 4

This class is for skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn backward outside and inside edges on a circle (R and L), backward crossovers, forward outside three-turns, advanced two-foot spin, hockey stop, and side toe hop.

Basic 5

Basic 5

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 4

This class is for skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn backward outside and inside edges on a circle (R and L), backward crossovers, forward outside three-turns, advanced two-foot spin, hockey stop, and side toe hop.

Basic 6

Basic 6

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 5

This class is for skaters ages 7-13. Skaters will learn forward inside three-turns, mohawks, moving backward to forward two-foot turns on a circle, backward stroking, T-stop, bunny hops, forward spiral on a straight line, beginning one-foot spin, and shoot the duck.

Hockey Skating Skills

hockey 1

Hockey 1

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 2

Equipment Needed: Hockey Skates (rental is included)

This class is for aspiring hockey players ages 6-13. Skater will learn falling and recovery to a balanced standing position, proper basic hockey stance (forward and backward), march forward across the ice (8-10 steps), forward two-foot glide, dip, forward swizzles, T-push to a two-foot glide, stationary snowplow stop. Bonus skill: front to back turns (stationary).

hockey 2

Hockey 2

Prerequisite: Passed Hockey 2

Equipment Needed: Hockey Skates (rental is included)

This class is for aspiring hockey players ages 6-13. Skater will learn forward strides using 45-degree v push focus on good recovery and alternating arm drive, forward one-foot push and glides (R&L), forward alternating C-cut (R&L), s, backward hustles to glides on two feet, backward swizzles, backward alternating C-cuts (R&L, moving snowplow stop. Bonus Skill: Scooter push on a circle (R&L).

hockey 3

Hockey 3

Prerequisite: Passed Hockey 2

Equipment Needed: Hockey Skates (rental is included)

This class is for aspiring hockey players ages 6-13. Skaters will learn: Lateral crossover march (both directions), Forward C-cuts on a circle in both directions, forward outside edges on half-circles (large Cs), alternating feet on the short or long axis of the rink, forward inside edges on half-circles (large Cs), alternating feet on the short or long axis of the rink, Backward C-cuts on a circle, both directions, Backward snowplow stops: one- and two-foot V-stop, One-foot moving snowplow stop (R and L) introduce 1/4 turn with hips to hockey stop. Bonus Skill: Forward stops and starts.

hockey 4

Hockey 4

Prerequisite: Passed Hockey 3

Equipment Needed:Hockey Skates (rental is included)

This class is for aspiring hockey players ages 6-13. Skaters will learn: Quick starts using forward V-start, backward one-foot glide (R and L), Forward crossover glides (Clockwise & Counterclockwise). Hold feet in crossed position for 2 counts, Backward crossover glides (Clockwise & Counterclockwise). Hold feet in crossed position for 2 counts, Forward crossovers on circle, clockwise and counterclockwise (4-6 each), Backward crossovers on circle, C & Cc (4-6 each), Hockey stops (stopping to the left and to the right, with speed). Bonus Skill: Forward to backward mohawk pivots (both directions, R and L) from powerful, full strides.

Free Skate

pre free skate

Pre-Free Skate

Prerequisite: Passed Basic 6

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. Skaters will learn backward outside edge to forward outside edge transition on a circle, ballet jump, backward crossovers to backward outside edge glides, combination step sequences, one-foot upright spin, mazurka, and waltz jump.

free skate 1

Free Skate 1

Prerequisite: Passed Pre-Free Skate

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn forward power stroking, forward outside & inside consecutive edges, backward outside three-turns, upright one-foot spin from back crossovers, half flip, toe loop, and waltz jump combinations.

free skate 2

Free Skate 2

Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 1

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn basic back outside and back inside consecutive edges, forward outside and inside spirals on an axis, backward inside three-turns, beginning back spin, half lutz, and salchow.

free skate 3

Free Skate 3

Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 2

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn alternating back crossovers to backward outside edges, alternating mohawk/crossover sequence, waltz three turns, advanced back spin, loop jump, waltz jump/toe loop combination and salchow/toe loop combination.

free skate 4

Free Skate 4

Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 3

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn forward power three-turns, waltz eight, forward upright to backward upright spin, sit spin, half loop, flip, and split jump.

free skate 5

Free Skate 5

Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 4

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn backward power three-turns, five-step mohawk sequence, camel spin, waltz jump/loop jump combination, lutz, and loop/loop jump combination.

free skate 6

Free Skate 6

Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 5

This class is for skaters ages 6-15. In this class, skaters will learn forward power pulls, creative step sequence, camel/sit spin combination, layback or cross foot spin, waltz jump/half loop/salchow combination, axel exercises, and backward outside pivot.

Find Specialty Classes That Suit Your Interests

We offer a variety of specialty classes tailored to unique interests and skill levels. From adaptive skating for individuals with disabilities to advanced techniques in jumps, spins, and hockey skills, these classes provide focused instruction to help skaters enhance their abilities and enjoy the sport to the fullest. Discover more about our specialty classes below:

Adaptive Skating

These classes are designed to allow individuals with various physical or developmental disabilities to experience the joy of skating. Each inclusive session caters to unique needs, ensuring a supportive environment.

Mommy, Daddy & Me

Ideal for children aged three to five, this class helps parents and their little ones play games and learn fundamental skating skills like sitting, standing, marching, gliding, and dipping with professional coaches.

Jumps & Spins

Find your perfect technique when it comes to jumping and spinning in this focused class. Make sure to complete our Pre Free Skate class before participating in this class.

Stroking, Edges & Lines

Focus on edges and power in this specialized class available to skaters at Free Skate 3 and above.

Adult Free Skate

Open to any individuals who have passed Adult 6 or Adult Advanced. This class introduces edges, lines, jumps, spins, and other free skate elements for aspiring adult figure skaters to practice and hone their new skills.

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